Battering Intervention & Prevention Program

Break the cycle. Change is possible.

The Process of AVDA’s BIPP Program

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Client Referral

Those interested in participating in BIPP may “self-refer,” meaning they may register themselves online (link). Referral partners include community agencies such as CPS, probation, and parole in Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery counties. AVDA offers BIPP groups for men (in Spanish and English) and women.

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Clients may register online, over the phone, or in-person Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration takes 15 to 20 minutes.

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Once registration is completed, clients go through the orientation process, which involves meeting with our facilitators and discussing the function and format of our BIPP Program.

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Clients meet one-to-one with a BIPP-accredited facilitator so that clients can express their goals and areas of need. Clients complete a formalized evaluation and develop an individualized plan to help them focus on their goals for the program and be accountable.

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Group Sessions

Clients participate in a minimum of 18 weekly, two-hour group sessions. Clients are introduced to psychoeducation material and encouraged to share openly and work on core objectives in the group setting while focusing on personal growth and accountability.

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Additional Supports

We also work with our clients who require further support on gaining access to community resources. Clients can gain access to mental health services, addiction treatment programs and housing programs.

Program Information

Our discussion-based groups focus on personal change to end abusive behavior. AVDA’s Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) groups give you tools to end abuse, whether it’s physical, verbal or emotional. Let AVDA help you become the best parent, partner and person you can be. Break the cycle.


Initial Evaluation:    $40
Orientation:           $40
Group Session:      Sliding Scale

AVDA’s fully accredited BIPP provides educational services to men and women who have been violent, abusive, and/or controlling in their intimate partner and/or family relationships. There are four phases to BIPP, all of which are available in both Spanish and English.

The largest in the state, AVDA’s BIPP was the first BIPP in Texas to receive full Accreditation Status by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice/Community Justice Assistance Division.

  • RMinimum of 18 weekly sessions (per state BIPP guidelines)
  • RSessions are two hours in duration
  • RDaytime, evening and weekend sessions
  • RAvailable in both English and Spanish
  • RSeparate groups for men and women
  • RFees paid online

