Annual Interfaith Workshop & Vigil

The Interfaith Committee’s domestic violence training seminar for faith leaders and its annual vigil in memory of domestic violence victims.

The Interfaith Committee is a group of Houston-area faith leaders and domestic violence agencies seeking to build awareness about the predominance of family violence in all communities, comfort families who have lost loved ones to domestic violence, hold abusers accountable, and support survivors in beginning new lives.

Unfortunately, everyone knows someone who has experienced harm from someone they love. In fact, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million of our friends and family members.

Organizations like AVDA are dedicated to helping survivors find safety, but barriers and stigma keep victims silenced. That’s why agencies across Houston are inviting YOU to a collaborative event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

For Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Interfaith Committee also hosts a vigil to honor domestic violence victims, survivors, and their families. In recognition of Houston’s religious diversity, tolerance, and acceptance, faith leaders from most of Houston’s major religions (the Baha’i Faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism) take part in the vigil. They read the names of those who lost their lives to domestic violence since the prior October. Info coming soon for October 2024.

Contact Elizabeth Galante at to join the Interfaith Committee.