Houston Domestic Abuse Community Outreach Programs

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

AVDA’s Houston domestic abuse community outreach programs are an important resource for the community in increasing awareness and helping to prevent abuse. In the heart of the city, the Houston domestic abuse community educational programs do more than teach about the psychological and physical causes and effects of domestic abuse. The domestic abuse community outreach programs in Houston aim to provide information on:

  • Services and safety for domestic violence victims
  • Services for domestic abusers
  • An understanding of all forms of domestic abuse (which is often emotional, verbal, psychological)
  • Healthy relationships, including programming for youth and teens

Benefits of AVDA’s Domestic Abuse Community Outreach Programs and Other AVDA Services

One of our goals for outreach is to both foster a community-wide response to domestic abuse and provide education and information to survivors and those who abuse who need AVDA’s program services. AVDA offers specialized educational programs for both adults and youth, as well as the following outreach services:

  • Legal representation is at no cost to clients
  • Counseling is free of charge to all counseling and legal services clients
  • AVDA has a Client Emergency Financial Assistance Fund for survivors
  • Domestic abuse community educational programs in Houston are provided generally at no cost.

AVDA also caters to “at-risk youth.” Middle and high school youth can be involved with AVDA’s Safe Dates, Teen Abuse Prevention, and Coaching Boys into Men programs. All three are designed to educate on signs of domestic abuse and prevent the initiation or further domestic abuse and foster healthy, respectful relationships.

Contact Us

Early prevention and intervention are keys to ending domestic abuse. If you are interested in bringing AVDA to provide presentations or programming to your organization or group, please email NicoleF@avda.org, or call us at 713-224-9911.