Houston Domestic Abuse Educational Programs

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

AVDA does everything within its ability to educate our youth on domestic violence and abuse. The Houston domestic abuse educational programs are free for children in your region. As a victim, domestic abuse educational programs in Houston TX are of no cost to you. Better yet, your children learn as much as you do at no additional cost.

Our Houston domestic abuse youth outreach programs:

  • Build stronger and healthier relationships
  • Have specialized programs for dating abuse
  • Reach out to kids who are at-risk across the great city of Houston
  • Offer both individual and group classes

Why domestic abuse youth outreach programs are important

Domestic abuse has never-ending effects on our youth, and the impact on children being exposed to abuse in the home is startling. AVDA’s domestic abuse youth outreach programs in Houston TX aim to teach parents and children about these effects such as:

  • Depression, anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Increased aggression both at home and away
  • Somatic disorders such as stomach aches, headaches, sleeplessness, cold sores
  • High-risk play activities
  • Suicide
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Early teen pregnancy

Teens are also at risk of repeating the abusive behaviors learned at home, and the prevalence of teen dating abuse is a tragic outcome, with one in four teen girls reporting having experienced sexual or physical violence in a dating relationship.

AVDA’s Safe Dates Youth Educational Program

AVDA’s nationally-acclaimed Safe Dates program is a program for middle and high school students designed to educate and prevent dating violence victimization and perpetration. Safe Dates is an eight-session program that shows the warning signs of domestic abuse within relationships.

Contact Us

AVDA’s Houston domestic abuse educational programs are designed to prevent these results at the foundation. The classes are city-wide and provided at many local spots for convenience in the city’s outer limits. The Houston domestic abuse educational programs want to see a brighter life and healthier relationships.