AVDA Partners with METRO to Reach Abuse Victims

Oct 4, 2018

AVDA  recently partnered with METRO to build awareness of its transformational, life-saving services for victims of domestic violence. Thanks to METRO, there are 1,900 “Domestic Abuse Hurts Everyone” (950 in English and 950 in Spanish) bus cards on the METRO fleet.  The cards are in place until the end of February, which is Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month.

In addition, METRO offers its Save Haven Program in which anyone who feels that he/she is in danger or is in need of emergency help may board a METRO vehicle for safe shelter and assistance from the bus operator.

Although domestic abuse is a perennial issue, calls to our hot line slow down during the holidays. The national research is inconclusive on why this occurs. Perhaps victims are not as inclined to report abuse during the holidays. Perhaps victims are less likely to challenge their abusers for the sake of keeping the family together during what is supposed to be a joyous time of year.

Increased financial stress, social anxiety, and alcohol consumption associated with the holidays do not cause an abuser to be violent. Those problems are excuses for the abuser’s need to maintain power and control over his victim. Once the holidays are over, calls for our services spike in the new year, especially now through February. AVDA is here to answer those calls and to help victims take action and to move towards safety and self-sufficiency.

We are profoundly grateful to METRO for providing our information to its riders so we can reach even more survivors who want to begin again.

For help, victims may call AVDA at (713) 224-9911 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or request help online at //avda.org/victim-advocacy-pre-registration/.