Domestic Abuse Individual Counseling in Harris County

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

AVDA is a provider of Domestic Abuse Individual Counseling in Harris County. Heartbreaking statistics have shown that Harris County leads the entire state of Texas in domestic violence fatalities, and it is estimated that 250,000 women in Harris County are victims of domestic violence. We understand that being in an abusive relationship can be terrifying. Our highly trained, licensed counselors provide quality Domestic Abuse Trauma Counseling in Harris County. We also provide guidance and support in additional areas to help those suffering from anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, PTSD, or childhood trauma, which are common to experience from domestic violence. Allow us to help you through these incredibly difficult times.

AVDA’s Domestic Abuse Individual Counseling in Harris County

The services that our Harris County Domestic Abuse Individual Counseling provides include:

  • Free and confidential counseling (available to both survivors of domestic abuse as well as their children)
  • Survivor support groups
  • 8-week certificate-based domestic violence classes

Emergency financial assistance may also be available, as well as financial assistance for education and training.

Identifying Domestic Abuse

We also understand that a victim of domestic violence may be timid in pursuing Domestic Abuse Individual Counseling in Harris County. However, we hope you will consider counseling as an option if you are living with a partner who:

  • Physically harms or threatens to hurt you, your loved ones, or themselves
  • Acts in ways that scare you
  • Pressures you to have sex
  • Keeps you from seeing your loved ones

If any of these acts of abuse are present, we strongly encourage you to visit or contact us so that together we may work to achieve a safer and more stable living environment for you and your loved ones.

Contact Us

Our Harris County Domestic Abuse Trauma Counseling program provides information and support for these quarter of a million women within our county lines alone, who are suffering from domestic abuse. Come in and talk to us at our office location downtown or call us at (713) 224-9911.