Harris County Accredited BIPP Group Programs

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

AVDA’s Harris County accredited BIPP group programs are tools for change for all of our participants. Our licensed counselors are extensively trained and are skilled in facilitating a learning environment in which group participants work to identify and stop abusive behaviors, helping to foster healthier relationships for the future. Our unique program is structured around personal growth.

We do not stop at ending abuse within the home, but rather we strive to further change the lives of all of our participants, in order become a more loving parent, partner, and person that they are capable of becoming. That is the mission by which we run all of our Harris County accredited BIPP programs. Come take these steps with us.

Accredited BIPP Programs in Harris County

AVDA’s Harris County accredited BIPP group programs are structured in a four-phase format and serve anyone who has been violent, abusive, or controlling in their intimate relationships (whether physically, verbally or emotional). What is useful about our educational group programs is we have tenured and experienced staff. AVDA’s BIPP program is the first to become fully accredited in the state of Texas, and was studied by the CDC as one of four model programs across the nation. AVDA’s BIPP program also has programs specifically designed to help fathers better understand the impact on a child of being exposed to domestic violence, and to create a healthier environment for their loved ones.

If you choose to attend one of our accredited BIPP classes and programs in Harris County, you will receive

18 sessions (available in English or Spanish) conducted weekly for 2 hours a week. State BIPP Guidelines require that all BIPP programs are a minimum of 18 weekly group sessions (minimum 36 hours of group counseling), in addition to the initial evaluation and orientation sessions.

Accredited BIPP classes such as AVDA’s coordinate with the court system to:

  • Provide thorough assessment based on ending violence and holding those who have been abusive accountable for their violence or other abusive behaviors
  • Develop an individualized plan for each participant in order to make additional referrals as needed for appropriate services such as substance abuse, mental health issues, etc.
  • Provide ongoing communication through entrance, exit, and monthly progress reports to the referral source, e.g. courts, probation, parole.
  • Offer educational workshops to criminal justice agencies

Contact Us

Scholarships may be available for all participants who are unable to fully pay the weekly fees. Payments are assessed on a sliding scale based on income. AVDA believes that everyone has the capacity to learn and grow. Join with us to take steps to put an end to domestic violence.