Houston Domestic Sexual Violence Assault Legal Aid

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

Sexual violence is all too common in relationships in which domestic violence is present. AVDA’s Houston Domestic Sexual Violence Assault Legal Aid can assist by providing free legal representation in a variety of family law matters.

We offer legal representation for:

  • Divorce
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Protective orders

About AVDA’s Houston Domestic Sexual Violence Assault Legal Aid

We want to help, protect, and spread awareness through our domestic sexual assault legal aid in Houston, TX. Our legal services for divorce and other family cases are at no cost for representation. While there is no income eligibility with regards to protective order representation, AVDA’s domestic sexual violence legal aid in Houston, TX for divorce, child custody, and child support primarily accepts lower to moderate-income clients, but will review your case if you believe that you have exceptional circumstances. Give us a call and explain – we’re here to help you through this difficult time and to help provide safety and self-sufficiency.

By using our Houston domestic sexual violence legal aid, you will be able to receive no or low-cost legal help, as well as free counseling if desired, to assist with your child custody and child support battles – which we understand are often critical steps in escaping abuse.

Any victim of domestic sexual violence assault may be eligible for legal aid for:

  • Crisis intervention and psychological support
  • Help in developing an individual Safety and Self-Sufficiency Plan that identifies different options and resources to address emotional, physical, financial, and legal risks/concerns.
  • Information about her/his rights under the Texas Family Code and insight into how the family courts work.
  • Information about her/his rights and options regarding criminal law and guidance as to how the criminal justice system operates.
  • Assistance in completing Texas Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund applications.
  • Advocacy with police, prosecutors, and the Harris County courts.
  • Referrals for emergency food, shelter, medical care, counseling, and other social-service needs.

Contact Us

Our attorneys are trauma-informed, supportive, and experienced to serve you and your family in this challenging time. Over 90% of our legal clients have reported feeling safer as a result of legal services provided by AVDA.

The Houston domestic sexual violence legal support at AVDA is designed to help all domestic violence and abuse victims. Give us a call at 713-224-9911, or stop by our main office at 1001 Texas Ave., Suite 600 Houston, TX 77002, to find out more about the specifics regarding your legal options.