Houston Domestic Violence Psychological Trauma Counseling

Let us help you find the path to safety while confidentially answering your questions.

Domestic violence is a tragic thing and leaves lasting effects psychologically, which can sometimes be overlooked. AVDA is committed to assisting the victims of domestic abuse regardless of their financial situation, which is why they provide Houston domestic violence psychological trauma counseling free of charge.

Leaving psychological trauma untreated is just the same as leaving any other kind of trauma untreated. AVDA is not solely for those experiencing domestic violence, we also provide Houston domestic abuse psychological trauma counseling as a result of any kind of domestic abuse.

Children are also tremendously impacted by being exposed to an environment in which domestic violence occurs. A child does not need to be physically abused in order to suffer long-lasting negative consequences from exposure. Hearing or seeing a parent be abused by another leads to arrested psychological and emotional development (including brain development) issues with anxiety and aggression, and even physical complaints such as stomach upset, colds, headaches and more.

Using Domestic Violence Psychological Trauma Counseling With AVDA

Domestic violence psychological trauma counseling in Houston is extremely helpful. Fortunately, the counselors employed by AVDA are here to help, and are trained and accredited to assist. When it comes to Houston domestic violence psychological trauma counseling, AVDA is effective in regards to getting help for the victims.

The Domestic Violence Psychological Trauma Counseling in Houston provides:

  • Supportive treatment for issues such as anxiety, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, stress, parenting challenges
  • Greater understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence, and impact of abuse on the survivor physically, emotionally and psychologically
  • Understanding of the tremendous impact that witnessing abuse has on a child, both physically and psychologically
  • Access to other AVDA services such as safety planning, emergency financial assistance, education or training assistance, information and referral

Contact Us

Their Houston domestic violence psychological trauma counseling is free and can be transformative, so if you or anyone else you know has experienced domestic violence within their homes, please do not hesitate to utilize AVDA’s many resources available and get help.