What’s Denim Day All About?

Every year on Denim Day the staff of AVDA wears denim to work—alongside millions around the world— in protest of the myths surrounding why women and girls are raped. Since the first Denim Day in 1999 in LA, Denim Day is always on a Wednesday in April in honor of...

Simple But Powerful Ways to Help Domestic Abuse Survivors

Domestic abuse or “intimate partner violence” is described as a pattern of behavior  in any relationship that is used to gain and maintain power or control over an intimate partner.​ As Maryville University’s post on domestic violence advocacy highlights, 1 in 4 women...

AVDA Champions Youth Abuse Prevention Education

Texans have had enough of teen dating violence and its sometimes deadly consequences as witnessed by the recent enactment of Texas Senate Bill 9 recommending that public schools to educate students about abuse. This February as part of its Teen Dating Violence...

Be Aware! It’s National Stalking Awareness Month

January is National Stalking Awareness Month, and it is so important to know the facts.  For instance, 76% of women murdered by an intimate partner were stalked first. Stalking generally refers to harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in...

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Central to both domestic violence and human trafficking is the use of power and control over a victim.  Coercion and grooming are tactics used by abusers—and both crimes are often private and hidden from society, leaving victims ashamed, embarrassed, traumatized, and...

Planning for Your Future: Moving after an Abusive Relationship

Recently, there have been more conversations about how hard it is to leave an abusive relationship, but there isn’t much conversation about how hard it can be after you’ve left. Just because a relationship has passed, doesn’t mean the trauma has, too. When deciding to...